
Who is Gary Paulsen from Woodsong and what is their importance?

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Paulsen is the author of over two hundred fiction and non-fiction books focusing largely on coming-of-age stories that take place in wilderness areas, often in Alaska where Paulsen spent much of his life. He is the main character of Woodsong, his story about his experiences with dog sledding and running the Iditarod. In the book, Paulsen describes himself without going into much detail about his actual life, though he has done so in detail in other works. Instead, Woodsong focuses on his thoughts and insights about the value of animal life, the meaning of bonding with animals, especially his dogs, and the challenges of running the 1983 Iditarod.

Paulsen displays clear qualities of ingenuity, survivability, determination, and wisdom. His insights into animal life will strike many as controversial, as he raises animal worth to a level almost comparable to that of humans. Further, many will find his evidence of the complexity of animal cognition and emotion anecdotal. But these judgments reveal a deep empathy that is perhaps Paulsen's most featured character trait throughout the book. In many ways, Woodsong uses Paulsen as a kind of window into life in the woods, but it is nonetheless his story and is focused on his thought and experiences. Throughout Paulsen is sure to record his thoughts and insights but does not shy away from describing emotions of fear, exaltation, amusement, concern, and even anger.

