Witch Child

Who is Martha Everdale from Witch Child and what is their importance?

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Martha Everdale is a widow whose husband and children are dead. She is a healer who is part of the congregation following Reverend Johnson's congregation to America to rejoin her family. Martha is trained as a healer. She meets Mary in Southampton and offers to travel with the young orphan. On the ship to America, Martha befriends Jonah also, and she acts as midwife to Sarah Rivers when Sarah goes into labor, developing a close relationship with the Riverses as well. Once their group reaches Salem, Martha joins the group continuing on to Beulah where she sets up house with Mary, Jonah and Tobias, while the Riverses build a house next door to them. She and Jonah work on their healing garden, but Martha worries about Mary spending much time in the forest because of the rumors that result.