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Ron is the eldest of the Lafferty brothers. He has always been rebellious, and even as a missionary, he displayed this rebellion by refusing to wear the hat and coat that were part of the missionary's uniform. Ron and his wife Dianna had what appeared to be a strong and loving relationship until Ron became involved with his brothers in The School of the Prophets. Ron's wife, in fact, unknowingly initiated his involvement when she sent him to try to talk some sense into his brothers concerning their participation in the school. Ron's brothers proved to him that their search for the basics of the Mormon religion was God inspired, and Ron's subsequent participation in the group changed his personality to the point that his wife divorced him and took their children to Florida.

Ron's divorce affected him deeply, and it was at this point that he began receiving revelations, which he believed were from God, telling him to kill his sister-in-law and her baby. Before standing trial, Ron hung himself in his cell and was nearly dead when discovered. Amazingly, he lived and stood trial. During his first trial, Ron was found responsible for the murders of Brenda and Erica Lafferty and charged with two counts of first degree murder. The results were then thrown out.

In the second trial, he was once again found guilty of two counts of first degree murder and sentenced to die by firing squad. During his time in jail Ron develops unusual religious beliefs; however, psychiatrists believe these are just Ron's own interpretations of what he was taught as a child. Ron is deemed as being sane, but suffering with narcissistic personality disorder.


Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith