Total Control

Who is Quentin Rowe from Total Control and what is their importance?

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Rowe is president of Triton Global, and is the tech guru who sees the future of technology and information systems at a global level. His focus is on research and development and the ultimate benefits to all mankind of continued technological advances. He has been forced to partner with Gamble because his small firm did not have the financial backing to continue its work, and only Gamble has the money to engage in research and to acquire companies like CyberCom. Quentin is also gay and, as is ultimately disclosed, was a one-time lover of Jeff Page. He allowed Page to be used by Gamble in his scheme to blackmail Lieberman and ultimately kills Page, when he threatens to expose the scheme. Rowe schemes to double-cross Gamble and to have him murdered, but dies himself in the final violent conclusion.