Total Control

Who is Lee Sawyer from Total Control and what is their importance?

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Lee Sawyer is a veteran FBI agent, Lee Sawyer is interested in only one thing - justice. As tenacious as Sidney Archer, Sawyer is unwilling to accept evidence and theories at face value and pursues every potential lead and detail until fully satisfied that he has the complete truth. His dedication to the job has resulted in a divorce and the estrangement from his children, but, still, he remains unable to relax his obsession with cases he is given. Sawyer has an eye for detail that many others do not, along with strong "gut" feelings and creative thought, and is therefore unwilling to accept Jason and Sidney's guilt, even when glaring evidence points in that direction. He is a master of deduction and spends long hours attempting to discover the connections among a plane crash, the disappearance of Jason, a murdered gay investment banker, and the competition of two corporations for acquisition of a third. His investigations take him into the world of the Federal Reserve, the opulent lifestyle of a former partner turned private security expert, and industrial power brokers who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.