The Wishing Spell

Who is Alex and Connors dad

Alex and Connor Bailey

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Alex and Conner's father's name is never mentioned in the text except as Mr. Bailey. We do, however, learn many things about their father in the text.

Their father had grown up in the woods and would spend hours each day telling the twins his adventures as a kid: all the trees he’d climbed, all the streams he’d swum, and all the ferocious animals he’d barely escaped from. Most of his retellings were highly exaggerated, but they loved this time withbhim more than anything else in the world.

“Someday, when you’re older, I’ll take you to all the secret places where I used to play,” their father would tease them. He was a tall man with kind eyes that would wrinkle whenever he smiled, and he smiled quite a bit, especially when he was teasing the twins.


A year ago, just a few days before their eleventh birthday, Alex and Conner’s father died in a car accident on his way home from work. Mr. Bailey had owned a bookstore a few streets away named Bailey’s Books, but all it had taken was a few small streets for a big accident to happen.


Their father was a fairy, and they returned to his land when they follwed the instructions in his journal.

“Your father was counting down the days until he could bring you here and show you around. Unfortunately, he never got a chance to. After he passed away, you two were going through so much already, your mother and I didn’t want to overwhelm you, so we decided to hold off.”
“So Mom knows about this place?” Alex asked.
“She’s never been here, but she knows enough,” their grandma said.


The Wishing Spell