The Underneath

Five main events in The Underneath.

The underneath

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1) Calico's kittens are born, Ranger (a hound dog) steps in and helps her care for them.

2) Ranger is shot in the leg by Gar Face (accidently) and chained to the porch.

3) Gar Face discovers Puck who has wandered away from their hiding place, and Calico steps in to help him. As a result, Gar Face stuffs them both into a sack and throws them in the river. Puck survives; Calico drowns.

4) Gar Face decides to use the remaining kitten, Sabine, as bait for an alligator, and Ranger bites him in order to save the kitten. Gar Face then decides to chain Ranger near the river, using him as bait.

5) Grandmother (a serpent), who has been trapped in a jar beneath the loblolly pine for one thousand years, saves Ranger. Just when everyone thinks that she is going to make a meal of the reunited kittens, Puck and Sabine, she breaks Ranger's chain instead.

6) Grandmother dies after being struck by a bullet meant for Ranger. The serpent who spent one thousand years trapped beneath a tree sacrificed her life for love...... after being entrapped for interveneing and interfering with love.


The Underneath