The Piano Tuner

Who is The Sawbwa of Mongnai from The Piano Tuner and what is their importance?

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The sawbwa of Mongnai comes to visit Mae Lwin in order to discuss a potential peace treaty with Carroll. Carroll asks Edgar to select and play a piece of music that will enchant the sawbwa and make him more inclined to feel friendly towards Carroll and the British. Edgar chooses to play Bach's 'The Well Tempered Clavier' which the sawbwa enjoys. The sawbwa likes the music so much that he asks Edgar to play again. This does eventually lead to the establishment of a peace treaty. The sawbwa of Mongnai is one of the more important Shan Princes and members of the Limbin Confederacy. Edgar notes how extravagant his sequined robe is, and the respect that everyone shows to him. Even Edgar and Carroll are expected to bow to him.