The Mosquito Coast

Who is Reverend Spellgood?


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Last updated by Jill W
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Reverend Gurney Spellgood is a Protestant minister with a church in Baltimore and a mission at Guampu in the Honduras. The Spellgood offspring are so numerous that they are never identified individually. The Foxes first encounter Spellgood on board the Unicorn, when both families are traveling to Honduras. The minister embraces many aspects of popular American culture, which he calls wholesome. Spellgood tries to convert Allie Fox, a determined non-believer. Instead, Fox alienates Spellgood by besting the minister in a scripture-quoting contest. Despite his religious fervor, Spellgood carries a gun to defend the family against "communists." Spellgood eventually shoots Allie Fox after Fox attacks the mission.

