The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray

Who is Lord Crott from The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray and what is their importance?

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Lord Crott is one of four Beggar Lords that run the Crooked Streets in London. Thaniel's father had once helped Crott's wife by removed an Incubus, a wych-kin that invisibly hangs on a person's back, weighing them down until they lose the will to live. Crott is lean and might have been handsome without the sword-scar that crossed his face. He collects twenty percent of everything his beggars bring in, and he believes in honor. He joins forces with Thaniel, Cathaline, and Alaizabel in their fight against the Fraternity. He is injured by a Hallow Ghoul, then killed by a Wight.