The Black Cat (short story)

the effect of the narrorator being in first person lets us know his thoughts which could lead to misstrust in the narrarator for he is unreliable

Has to have 2 quotes and be 2 full paragraphs also has to be in RACES forms so restate answer the question citations explain cites this proves..... summary

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I can't write your paragraphs for you. Generally all of Poe's protagonists are mentally unstable and unreliable. In "The Black Cat," the narrator was aware that his thoughts and actions were transforming into a downward spiral. He was aware of his increased irritability, his disregard of the feelings of others, and the unreasonable violent actions he carried out towards his wife. He was even aware that his favorite pet and playmate, Pluto, was falling victim to the ill-effects brought by alcoholism onto the narrator. However, for reasons that remain inscrutable to the reader, he continues his descent into moral degeneration. Is he affected with "perverseness"? Is it a result of the alcohol? Does he not know what he is doing?