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"He had come from Geneva the day before, by the little steamer, to see his aunt, who was staying at the hotel — Geneva having been fora long time his place of residence. But his aunt had a headache — his aunt had almost always a headache— and now she was shut up in her room, smelling camphor, so that he was at liberty to wander about."

"Mr. Moreen had a white moustache, a confiding manner and, in his buttonhole, the ribbon of a foreign order — bestowed, as Pemberton eventually learned, for services. For what services he never clearly ascertained: this was a point — one of a large number — that Mr. Moreen's manner never confided. What it emphatically did confide was that he was a man of the world. Ulick, the firstborn, was in visible training for the same profession — under the disadvantage as yet, however, of a button hole only feebly floral and a moustache with no pretensions to type. The girls had hair and figures and manners and small fat feet, but had never been out alone. As for Mrs. Moreen, Pemberton saw on a nearer view that her elegance was intermittent and her parts didn't always match."


Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism