
Comment on style language


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Cynthia Bond tells her novel “Ruby” in language that is poetic and rich in symbolism. This is done for several reasons. First, the nature of the novel as a fantasy is reinforced by the poetic nature of the writing. Just as the writing is elevated from simple, straightforward prose to poetic language, so too is the plot elevated into fantasy from reality. Second, because the novel is primarily a love story set against a surreal historical backdrop, the beauty of the language employed by the writer reflects the beauty of the love shared between Ephram and Ruby against the darkness surrounding them. Third, the rich use of symbolism in the novel helps to add to the fantasy element by using symbolic items as aspects of the fantasy itself. For example, the ring given to Maggie by Ma Tante is symbolic of the bond established between Maggie and Ruby, and is later reflective of Maggie’s desire to protect Ruby as a crow.