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Wladyslaw Szpilman was a man who lived in Warsaw, Poland in 1939. He was a pianist by trade and worked for the Polish Radio. He was also a Jew. During World War II, the Germans invaded his city and separated the Jews from the others. Wladyslaw and his family were forced to move from their home and work horrible jobs in order to survive. Wladyslaw was separated from his family as they boarded a train. The train took his family away, and later Wladyslaw learned that it had taken them to their death, but he survived. He spent the last several years of the war in hiding, struggling to survive. Some people helped him while others betrayed him. He fought starvation, illness and loneliness. Finally, he was discovered by a German officer. Instead of killing him, the officer helped him and Wladyslaw was still alive when Warsaw was liberated. After the war he went back to playing the piano professionally.