Origin in Death

Who is Dr. Wilfred B. Icove, Sr. from Origin in Death and what is their importance?

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Wilfred Icove Sr. started the Wilfred B. Icove Center for Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery. His wife died during the Urban Wars and he then raised his only son alone. Referred to as beloved by those around him, he is known for his work with burn and accident victims and he is well respected by the scientific and medical communities. He is eighty-two years old at the time of his death and has two grandchildren that he adores. His fingernails are manicured and his watch is expensive and his physical health was like that of a man twenty years younger.

Icove comes from very little. Both parents had been doctors working in depressed countries and area. When his mother is burned trying to save children from a fire, her injuries inspire her son to make reconstructive surgery his mission in life. She is never the same and takes her own life just three years later. Icove runs a portable clinic during the Urban Wars and is in Europe helping with Urban Strife when his wife is injured. She self-terminates just thirty-six months later, and Icove continues to found clinics, create foundations, take on hopeless cases and basically devotes his life to medicine. The biggest surprise is that there seem to be no records of any lawsuits or scandals whatsoever.