Ms. Bixby's Last Day

What is the author's style in the novel, Ms. Bixby’s Last Day?


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Ms. Bixby’s Last Day is a young adult novel and is related in language that is straightforward and distinct according to each of its three narrators, Topher, Steve, and Brand. Because Topher, Steve, and Brand are the narrators of the novel, and because they are each unique individuals, the language they use will vary accordingly. Topher, who is optimistic and creative, is quick to use brief, descriptive, and imaginary language – such as when he imagines they are police officers chasing down George Nelson. Steve, who is brilliant and highly thoughtful, uses language that features a vocabulary of large words to demonstrate his intelligence, coupled with an array of facts and pieces of information ranging from Greek philosophers to poisonous snakes. Brand’s language is simple and straightforward, but full of hesitant language because he is struggling to find out what makes him unique and because he is worried about how his plan may turn out.

