
Who is Liam O'Neill from Luna: A Novel and what is their importance?

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Liam O'Neill from Luna: A Novel is not happy with his gender. He longs to be a female. He has gone by many different names, such as Lia Marie and Luna. He believes that he was born a girl in a boy's body and as such deserves to have a sex reassignment surgery to make him female. He is a cross dresser and his sister really hates it when people give him odd looks at the mall when they are out together. Liam tells his parents what he intends to do and his father does not accept it at all. His mother says that she always suspected that Liam was gay but didn't reach out to him to make it easier on him. Finally, he realizes that he's on his own with this life that he's chosen. He hitches a ride with Aly to Seattle where he will have the surgery.