King of the Wind
Significance of Superstitions

The themes of signs and superstitions that is carried out throughout the story is a reflection of the culture in which Agba lives in. Having grown up in Morocco, Agba embraces this aspect of the culture and seems to strongly believe in the many superstitions of the Moroccan people. The first mention of signs and superstitions in the story is when Agba is in the Sultan's stables, and his favorite mare is about to give birth. Agba notices a new moon and perceives it a favorable sign for the new foal. Of course moments later, the new foal is born with the white spot on his heel, the symbol of speed and so it would seem like the omen of the new moon proves true. The good news of the white spot on the heel is soon overshadowed, when Signor Achmet discovers another sign on the foal's body, the wheat ear on his chest, a sign of misfortune and evil.