King of the Wind
Significance of Love for Horses

Agba and Sham have a very special relationship that exemplifies how strong the bond between a stable boy and a horse can be. Agba's love for the horse is as strong and faithful as any parent's love for their child. Often times, Abga seems to take on a parental role to Sham. When Sham is born Agba, like a proud father, wants to run to the roof tops and shout out to everyone that a foal is born and that he will be swift as the wind for on his heel is a white spot. Soon after, Agba promised the Sham to be his father. "My name is Agba. Ba means father. I will be a father to you, Sham, and when you are grown the multitudes will bow before you. And you will be King of the Wind. I promise it," Agba tells Sham soon after Sham is born (Chapter 5, pg. 41). Agba sees so much potential and has so much hope for Sham just like a father has for his son.