In the Company of the Courtesan

Who is Elena Crusichi/La Draga from In the Company of the Courtesan: A Novel and what is their importance?

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La Draga is a healer that Fiammetta brings to their house in Venice. An old friend of the family, La Draga is a seemly disabled woman with a stoop and blindness, who can heal nearly anyone with her "magic" potions and cures. When Fiammetta falls ill after their travels, La Draga nurses her back to health; later on, she helps her to procure false hair to hide her baldness and obtain clients. Later, after Bucino nearly drowns, La Draga also cures him. Despite her good works, La Draga is never entirely trusted by Bucino, who follows her home one weekend after he is well. There, he finds that she is not disabled at all. Going through her home, he discovers a pair of contact lenses that she wears to make herself seem blind. Moreover, she keeps various notes and bones in her house, making her look like a witch. Furthermore, she is the one who stole a ruby from Fiammetta. Eventually arrested for witchcraft, she and Bucino finally make peace when he goes to visit her in her jail cell.