I, Robot

What is taking place in the beginning of “Robbie”? How are the principle characters described?

What is taking place in the beginning of “Robbie”? How are the principle characters described?

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Robbie is an early robot developed in the nineties. Robbie cannot speak, but he looks humanoid. Robbie is a nursemaid to a little girl named Gloria. However, Gloria’s mother dislikes Gloria’s attachment to Robbie and the distrust of Robbie she has noticed among the neighbors. For this reason, Gloria’s mother finally convinces her husband to sell Robbie back to US Robots. Gloria is devastated to find her robot gone. When Gloria refuses to break out of her depression after Robbie’s departure, her mother decides to plan a trip to New York. Gloria becomes convinced that this trip is to enlist help in finding Robbie. Gloria’s parents try to keep Gloria busy on this trip, but she will not stop thinking about Robbie. Finally, Gloria’s father suggests a tour of US Robots in the hope that seeing robots being manufactured will break Gloria’s obsession with Robbie. However, when they arrive in an assembly room, Gloria is thrilled to see Robbie there. Gloria rushes into the area to greet Robbie, unaware that a tractor is lumbering toward her. Robbie saves Gloria from the danger. Reluctantly, Gloria’s mother agrees to take the robot back home again.

Gloria is described as young, active, and demanding.

“NINETY-EIGHT – NINETY-NINE – ONE HUNDRED.” Gloria withdrew her chubby little forearm from before her eyes and stood for a moment, wrinkling her nose and blinking in the sunlight.

Gloria pouted, “I bet he went inside the house, and I’ve told him a million times that that’s not fair.

Gloria shrieked in dismay. “Wait, Robbie! That wasn’t fair, Robbie! You promised you wouldn’t run until I found you.” Her little feet could make no headway at all against Robbie’s giant strides.

Gloria found herself running after him as he dodged her narrowly, forcing her to veer in helpless circles, little arms outstretched and fanning at the air. “Robbie,” she squealed, “stand still!” — And the laughter was forced out of her in breathless jerks.

