I, Robot

Please check if the story( I,Robot) is correct. Thank you.

In several of the stories told by Dr. Calvin, robots feel as though they are superior to humans. One of these stories, the Cutie in Reason, takes a robot that has become self-aware and believes itself to be so superior to humans that there is no way a human could have made it."In this story, Powell and Donovan were on Solar Station 5. Their job was to train a new robot, the QT-1, to work with the Beam Director on the station. This robot was new and proved to have a unique ability that others did not have, a self-awareness that caused conflict between it and the humans". Instead, this robot believed a simple machine had to be its creator rather than these frail humans made of flesh and bone. For this reason, Cutie began to believe that its creator was actually Beam Director himself.Cutie becomed a prophet for other robots and locked humans in a room to protect them from inferiority.In the end, Powell concluded that Cutie's obsession with Beam Director would enable it to do its job effectively and in no way harm it or human beings.

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