House of Sky and Breath

What is the main setting in the novel, House of Sky and Breath?


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Lunathion (which is also referred to as Crescent City depending on which character is speaking), is the main setting of the novel. It is here where Bryce’s apartment and Ruhn’s home are, which means it eventually becomes the base for the entire group of protagonists, including Ithan and Tharion. It is described as a city of the Vanir with modern technology and direct access to the mysterious gates. This means that it is divided into sections for each of the different races, including the House of Breath and Sky for the Fae, the Meat Market for the Viper Queen, and the Bone Quarter for the dead. Celestina is the Archangel the Asteri assigned as leader of Lunathion after Micah was killed by Bryce in the previous novel.

