Golden Fox

What is the author's style in Golden Fox by Wilbur Smith?

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Golden Fox by Wilbur Smith is an epic tale written partially in the first person perspective, alternating between the two main characters, Isabella Courtney and Ramon de Santiago y Machado. The rest is told in a reliable omniscient third person narrative. Smith is a masterful story teller, adept in weaving a story that blends history with creative license and produces a tale that flows with masterful ease. The tapestry of characters Smith uses includes and switches between main characters Isabella Courtney who begins as a protagonist but develops into an antagonist as a result of her encounter with the second main character and antagonist, Ramon Machado. The omniscient narrative introduces the reader to the rest of the Courtney family and their significant others, the political arena surrounding Russia and South Africa, and the attempt made by Russia to control the African continent. Smith combines political intrigue, love and betrayal and familial loyalty with such expertise that it is easy for the reader to follow and become involved in the story. Wilbur Smith adeptly involves the reader in the Courtney family, bringing the characters to life with an intimate knowledge of their aspirations and their unfailing devotion to each other both publicly and privately.


Golden Fox