God's Bits of Wood

Who is M. Dejean, Pierre (Pierrot), Leblanc, Edouard, M. and Mme. I from God's Bits of Wood and what is their importance?

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These characters are all figures in the oppressive French management regime challenged by the strikers. M. Dejean is the harsh, volatile, senior administrator, a vivid contrast to the much younger, idealistic, open-minded Pierre. He, Leblanc and Edouard all function as Dejean's advisors. M. Isnard is a mid-level manager, whose racist attitudes, essential corruption and destructive tendencies result in him and his wife becoming increasingly isolated both from the strikers and their fellow managers. Mme. Isnard's death in the book's final moments can be seen as representing/foreshadowing the inevitable "death" of French authority in the region.