Fugitive Pieces

Who is Griffith Taylor from Fugitive Pieces and what is their importance?

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Cambridge scholar, Griffin Taylor and his Canadian-born colleague, Silas Wright, joined Captain Robert Scott's doomed Antarctic expedition. Taylor's diary is filled with exclamation points over all that he witnessed. He briefly met Athanasios Roussos in 1938 while lecturing in Greece on "Correlations and Culture", and he discovered that they shared certain intellectual interests (geopacifism). Taylor invited Athos to teach in Toronto, something that only became feasible after World War II. Soon after Athos arrived, Taylor was diagnosed with cancer and returned to his native Australia. During that first winter, however, the Taylors hosted parties in their Forest Hills mansion. Athos's ward, Jakob Beer, recalled that the Taylors seemed very much in love. Mrs. Taylor nicknamed Athos and Jakob "The Bachelors".


Fugitive Pieces