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Aliminusa, Sicily is Saro's hometown and it is where his parents and sister live. It is where Tembi and Zoela spend the three summers after Saro's death. Aliminusa is a small rural town in Sicily's interior that sees few, if any, tourists. It is a tight-knit community of locals who are attached to their culture and traditions. Like in many rural small towns, the population is aging and dwindling. Aliminusa is symbolic of Saro's heritage, culture, and family, and he wanted some of his ashes brought there, which Tembi does. Aliminusa is also where Tembi eventually builds a second home for herself and Zoela. She connects with Saro's mother and sister and builds relationships of her own in the local community. By the end of the book, she has a home in Aliminusa both literally and figuratively. It is a place where she not only belongs, but where she and her daughter can stay connected to Saro's family, heritage, culture, and memory.