From Beirut to Jerusalem

I need this essay answered NOW. I will even offer to mail you a bit of money, or PAY PAL you a bit if you can answer this for me NOW! Thanks!

You are to write a 1000 word (roughly four pages, twelve point type, double spaced) paper on the following topic:

In From Beirut to Jerusalem, Thomas Friedman states he saw "the boundaries of men's compassion alongside their unfathomable brutality, their ingenuity alongside astounding folly, their insanity alongside their infinite ability to endure."

With this statement in mind, discuss the relationship between Arabs and Israelis in the Middle East. Your essay must analyze the historical, social and political forces that have shaped the region. In addition, you must support your thesis by offering detailed examples of these forces from Friedman's book.

Though this is an analysis of historical events, it is also your interpretation of these events. As such, your paper must include a clearly stated thesis in the introduction and that thesis must be supported in the body of the paper. You may use outside sources to support your argument but it is not required. However, all sources must be properly cited in the paper.

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