
What is Gotfried?


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Gotfried represents the idea that not all friends are perfect, but if you treat a friend with kindness and forgiveness, they can return that kindness in the end. Gotfried is also part of the motif of parallels to other stories. The novel begins with Anya reading with Gotfried in his library. Gotfried was born human, but has chosen to transform himself into an owl when he feels like it. Gotfried is afraid of the Duke and does what he says, but also gives Anya the ingredients for the magic lip balm. Later Gotfried will find Anya with the Good Wizard and will feign being hurt and give a false message, but confesses that he has been forced by the Duke. Anya forgives him but also knows she cannot trust him so keeps him at the Good Wizard’s castle with Merlin, who tells Gotfried he knew his great-grandfather. This is a reference to Archimedes, Merlin’s famous owl who could speak. In the end, Gotfried is the one who flies into the Duke’s face and causes him to fall off of the tower, allowing Anya to overpower him with her friends. Gotfried dies in the fall though, sacrificing himself for the friend he betrayed in order to prove his love and loyalty to her.