Freak the Mighty

What does Kevin learn about Max when he goes to his house?


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In Chapter Four, Kevin visits Max's house, where we actually learn more about Kevin than Max. Kevin is impressed with Max's room, especially the fact that he has so much privacy. Kevin explains that he calls his mother "Fair Gwen of Air" after Queen Guinevere from King Arthur. The Freak tells Max the story of King Arthur and how all the strong and brave knights were unable to pull Excalibur, the magical sword from a stone, but the young, weak Arthur was able to pull the sword out and become King. The Freak is especially impressed with the armor that King Arthur designed for the knights of the Round Table. They were metal-plated and officially the first robots in history he tells Max. King Arthur programmed his "robots," protected by their armor, to go out and slay dragons and monsters. The Freak corrects Max when he says there are not any real robots. He points out how robots are used in assembly lines and machines. The space shuttle even has a robotic arm.

The Freak tells Max that he learns most things by the enormous amount of books he reads. He prefers reading to watching TV—the only show he watches is Star Trek. Max is sure the Freak noticed his serious lacking of books. He fears he will have to admit to being learning disabled but the Freak is so smart he probably figured that out already. The Freak offers to lend him some books. They hear Fair Gwen calling for the Freak who pulls himself up the cellar stairs. Fair Gwen quickly picks him up and runs home with him. Max knows that Fair Gwen is frightened of him.

