Flying Lessons & Other Stories

Who are the characters in Hoop Court?

characters in Hoop Court

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In this story, narrated in the second person, You is a young male basketball player who is about to enter high school. The story is told in the second person, addressing the reader as if the reader were the main character. After learning about a place called Muni Gym where all of the cities’ top underground players go to practice, you spend every day of your summer hitching a ride with your Dad to work and walking more than an hour from his factory to the gym. At first, no one allows you to play because you are seemingly so young, small, and unskilled. Instead, you are harassed and mocked for your repeated appearances at the gym. One day, the gym’s best player, Dante, tells you he is sick of seeing you. He wants you to leave and never come back. When you protest, he gives you one opportunity to prove yourself in a game. During the game, you are the best player on the court and score the winning point, proving your worth. After this day, you are constantly chosen for games. When school starts and you think back to your summer, you realize that the most important things you learned actually happened off the court, during your interactions with your fellow players.