First Person Singular

Short summary of the story "Charlie Parker Plays Bossa Nova" in the book, First Person Singular.


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In “Charlie Parker Plays Bossa Nova,” an unnamed narrator remembers writing an article for his college literary magazine about a jazz album that did not exist. The album was called Charlie Parker Plays Bossa Nova, and he explains that it could not have existed because Parker died in 1955 and bossa nova did not emerge as a popular music genre until 1962. He forgot about the article, until 15 years later when he was in a record store in New York City and found an album called Charlie Parker Plays Bossa Nova, featuring the exact tracklist he had imagined. When he came back to purchase the album the next day, it was gone. Years later, the narrator had a dream in which Parker visited him and thanked him, as he believed the fictitious album had given him a chance to live on and play music again.

