Election: A Novel

Who is Tammy Warren from Election: A Novel and what is their importance?

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Tammy Warren, Election, is the polar opposite of her brother, Paul. She is not popular, involved, and she has openly declared her homosexuality. One is not sure if she has declared her sexual orientation simply on the basis of the shock factor, or if she really is gay. However, she does crush on several girls at the school. One girl that she likes is Lisa, and when she fails to seduce her and Lisa ends up dating and sleeping with Paul, Tammy becomes so angry that she decides to run against her brother.

Tammy and Paul's father's decision to try and start his life over resonates with Tammy and she decides that she's going to start her life over as a Catholic school girl. She's met a girl named Dana who attends a Catholic highschool. Through a series of events, Tammy is allowed to attend there, but later returns to her old high school because it wasn't what she thought it would be. She does not do as much changing as many of the other characters.