Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?


What do you think of the claim that both the book and the film suggest that, ultimately, the only sure way that humans have to remind themselves of their humanity is through the inhumane act of killing androids. There is otherwise nothing else to distinguish them? (Again, please also refer to the Vint article in your answer).

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I don't know what you are referring to by "vint" article but I do love both the book and the films. There really are not a lot of sympathetic human characters in the stories. The motif that replicants show more humanity than humans is evident throughout the narrative. Whatever environmental catastrophe has happened on Earth there seems to be a spiritual catastrophe for humans that is just as drastic. Humans simply are not nice people. It would seem the one way humans derive validation, perhaps for being human, is indeed killing replicants. I can't recall seeing anything different. On top of that, they have laid waste to Earth and gone on to lay waste to off world colonies.