Deal Breaker

Who is Roy O'Connor from Deal Breaker and what is their importance?

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Roy O'Connor is a sports agent and one of Myron Bolitar's professional competitors. O'Connor is the owner of TruPro, a sports representation firm. O'Connor is a less than honest businessman who is known to employ underhanded tactics in order to get and keep clients. When O'Connor illegally signs Chaz Landreaux (a college athlete) to a professional contract, O'Connor ends up with more than he bargained for. Because of Roy O'Connor's penchant for gambling and his inability to pay his debts, TruPro is taken over by mobsters Herman and Frank Ache. Physically, O'Connor is between forty-five and fifty-five years of age. Myron notices that O'Connor wears several gold rings "that disappeared between under the folds of flesh in his chubby unstained hands" (pg. 120.) O'Connor is going bald but he wears his hair swept over the bald spot.