Days of Blood & Starlight

What is the narrator point of view in the novel, Days of Blood & Starlight?

Days of Blood & Starlight

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Days of Blood & Starlight is narrated in the third person, with a few exceptions in which Zuzana writes emails to Karou. The point of view typically follows one of the main characters, typically a protagonist, but can at times break away to describe other events that will be come related to the characters' quest for peace later on. The narrators are generally reliable, except for brief instances when they become overrwrought emotionally, as when Akiva believes that Karou will always hate him because of his role in her people's destruction. The story is told primarily through exposition, with a great deal of dialogue and some action. Events are often described in the place of having a character describe them to another character, and these events often form their own chapters and take place out of sequence from the rest of the novel as a result. The book is likely organized this way due to the fact that the major characters are in different places throughout the book, and showing the action in a separate scene is often more effective than simply having one character relay it to another in dialogue. This means that the plot is often advanced to the point at which two characters meet and a story is related from one to another. Do to the large amount of territory the novel covers in terms of geography, the novel is very well constructed as a result of its viewpoint technique. It also helps preserve dramatic tension by withholding information from the reader until a critical encounter occurs.

