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Otmar von Verschuer was a genetics professor at the University of Frankfurt. He also serves as the head of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute. Verschuer provided the government with important information that was used to design the Final Solution, the plan that was implemented to eradicate the world of Jews. He was Mengele's mentor, and he even intervened on Megele's behalf, helping him to attain his position at Auschwitz. Mengele often provided Verschuer with his notes and specimens from his experiments for evaluation.

After the war, Verschuer destroyed many of Mengele's notes, which served to successfully keep the world from knowing the depth of Mengele's cruelty. He then distanced himself from both Mengele and the Nazis in the hopes of regaining his academic position. Eventually, Verschuer took a job at the University of Munster, where he encourages the work of other racial scientists, all while continuing to distance himself from Mengele.


Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz