Chasing the Dime: A Novel

Who is Cody Zeller from Chasing the Dime: A Novel and what is their importance?

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Cody is the security officer for Henry's company, Amedeo Technologies. He lives in Malibu and is an avid and regular surfer. He and Henry Pierce have good friends since college. Cody calls Henry either Hank or Einstein.

Of all the 'Doomsters,' Cody looks like the rest aspired to. He is a true throwback to earlier times in baggy shorts and sandals, with sun-bleached hair that is uncut and pulled back into a loose ponytail and skin that is the color of copper resembling a smoggy sunset. At thirty-five years old, he is taking on the look of an aging surfer who cannot let go, endearing him to Henry who often feels as though he sold out. Cody's motto is feel young and stay young.