Chasing Vermeer

What is the setting of Chasing Vermeer?


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The overall setting of the story is modern-day Chicago. Most of the story takes place in the Hyde Park neighborhood outside Chicago and the University of Chicago's University School. Many of the locations in this story are real places. The author, having taught at the University School for many years, has used it as the setting, for it is a place she knows well. She mentions New York City and Nantucket, two other places she has spent a great deal of time.

The story takes place during the fall and winter with the most important day being December 12th. This is the twelfth birthday of both Calder and Petra, the day of the month on which Vermeer most likely died, and Old Fred's last day of life. Twelves also hold a significance with pentominoes, stair steps, and other details of the story. This pattern of twelves helps set an eery mood for much of this book, with Halloween and the onset of winter assisting in the sensation of chills felt by the main characters and the reader as they find more clues and coincidences.

The author's knowledge of these various locations, as well as her training in art history, have aided her in creating exciting and believable fiction. The voice of the narrator seems to be that of the author as she weaves this art thriller and brings the characters to life.

