Butterfly Boy

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This book's distinctive structure features five parts with headings that tell readers the overall feelings or topics that the author plans to express in the chapters that follow. The chapters freely switch between the present, the past, and pure, honest memories called "ghost whispers" which the author writes to his lover. The ghost whispers are in italics using a font that looks more like handwriting. Perhaps this is done to imitate handwritten letters to his lover and the fact that they are a different type of memory than the memories relayed in the other chapters. The chapters about the past have titles based on where the author lived and the years he lived there. This is fitting as he moved a lot and his constant movement, between the United States and Mexico reflects his family's work as migrant workers. Many of the chapters dealing with the present deal with him on the bus with his father. These chapters are fittingly called "Summer's Passage" because his journey represents his passage from a teenager to a more mature person in a figurative sense and also literally as he will be turning 20 years old during the trip.