
Who is Melody Mayflower from Bumped and what is their importance?

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This is the sixteen-year-old girl who has been raised with an eye toward making the perfect pregnancy for money. Her entire life has been mapped out for her and she has never been allowed much free time. She plays soccer, does well academically, plays guitar, and has been taught to be socially adept. Melody is marketed for her uniqueness but that's threatened by the fact that she has a twin sister. Melody is the first of her friends to act professionally with regards to pregnancy but she begins to have second thoughts about the choice. This wavering seems to be partly because she cares deeply for Zen. Melody seems scornful of the idea of church and religion when she first meets Harmony. She also clings desperately to her uniqueness until after she meets Harmony. Melody is, in many ways, a strong character though she has spent most of her life being manipulated by her parents. This willingness to be manipulated may seem a sign of weakness but it may also be a sign that she's thrown herself into realizing a dream she believes to be her own. Melody is a loyal friend, more so than many of her peers. When Shoko almost dies, Melody remains at the hospital overnight to be sure she'll be available if Shoko needs her. When Melody is able to see Shoko for the first time after the delivery, she can't let go of the fact that Shoko almost died during the birth.