
Who is Harmony Smith from Bumped and what is their importance?

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The sixteen-year-old twin sister of Melody, Harmony is the weaker of the twins at birth and is raised in a religious environment and taught that she has a single role in life - to become a wife and mother. Harmony is a strong character and questions both her role and the teachings of the church. She is also longing for a physical attachment with someone and is excited to learn that she has a twin because she believes a relationship with Melody will fill that gap in her life. Harmony's motivations seem unclear from the beginning and she is the more complex character. She initially seems to be leaving her family and marriage only temporarily in an effort to bring Melody to God. As she experiences life outside her community, she soon realizes she likes some aspects of the life. Harmony's reasons for stepping into Melody's role with Jondoe are also unclear from the beginning and it seems she's trying to save Melody from what she sees as a sin. It's later revealed that she might have been seeking to fulfill her own need for physical closeness by having sex with Jondoe but she may also have been trying to save Ram. Melody's decision to simply return to the church community with Ram seems to indicate the latter. Many of her motivations, as well as the fate of both girls, is left to the imagination of the reader.