Blonde Ambition

Who is Anna Cabot Percy from Blonde Ambition and what is their importance?

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Anna is the 18-year-old protagonist of the book. She has recently moved to the Los Angeles area where she lives with her father and attends Beverly Hills High School. Before the move, Anna lived in New York City with her mother and she jokingly refers to herself as an "upper Eastside princess." This book is the third in the series that follows Anna's adjustment to life in Beverly Hills. She is fired from her job as an intern at a famous talent agency, but is soon rehired by Clark Sheppard, who is one of the most powerful men in Hollywood. The fact that Anna is a Hollywood newcomer makes her even more attractive and her opinion worth more to other people in the television and movie industries. It seems that the more disinterested that Anna is in Hollywood, the more interested the industry becomes in her.

Anna is described as being very pretty and compared to Gwenyth Paltrow at one point in the book. The combination of her good looks and intelligence makes her attractive to just about every male mentioned in the story. Though she has very strong feelings for Ben Birnbaum, Anna is mature enough to walk away from the relationship when she feels that it is clouding his judgment about going back to college. She takes the advances of men like Django and Danny Bluestone in stride and even attempts to smooth things over with her ex-boyfriend, Adam Flood. Anna discovers that every flirtation does not have to turn into a serious relationship and that she should just enjoy being in the moment