Chapter 20: Mr. Jaggers' Room... Notes from Great Expectations

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Chapter 20: Mr. Jaggers' Room... Notes from Great Expectations

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(approx. 1 page at 300 words per page)
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Great Expectations Chapter 20: Mr. Jaggers' Room...

Pip ends his journey at Mr. Jaggers' office in London--it's a dismal place, full of dismal and odd characters. These are Jaggers' clients, and when the lawyer returns from his day's business, Pip watches him dismiss these clients with little sympathy or compassion for their various legal traumas. Jaggers tells Pip that he is to spend the next few days at Barnard's Inn, in the rooms of young Mr. Pocket, the son of his new tutor, Matthew Pocket. Jaggers tells Pip he will find his credit good all around town, though he makes a cryptic remark that of course, it's inevitable that Pip will go wrong somehow in his handling of his new riches. Pip is then sent off with the office clerk, Wemmick, who'll walk him to the inn.

Topic Tracking: Class 6

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