Young Skins Test | Final Test - Medium

Colin Barrett
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Young Skins Test | Final Test - Medium

Colin Barrett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On page 175, what does the "Diamonds" narrator say appeals to him about Siobhán Maher?
(a) Her "urgency."
(b) Her "feral beauty."
(c) Her "wisp of a voice."
(d) Her "pliancy."

2. What does Paudi do with the stone that Arm sets on the table?
(a) Tosses it into the fireplace.
(b) Throws it at Arm's face.
(c) Tells Arm to get it out of his house.
(d) Puts it in his pocket.

3. How old is the narrator of "Diamonds"
(a) 33.
(b) 24.
(c) 30.
(d) 27.

4. What does Doran tell Eli about his life that Eli says he doubts is true?
(a) That he wishes that he, Eli, and Maryanne had stayed close.
(b) That he never really got over Maryanne breaking his heart.
(c) That he is content not being in a romantic relationship for the rest of his life.
(d) That he does not really enjoy the music business anymore.

5. What does Dympna do for a living?
(a) Sells illegal guns.
(b) Sells marijuana.
(c) Runs a boxing club.
(d) Tends bar at Quillinan's.

Short Answer Questions

1. What technique is used when Paudi says that he will "have to take [the dog] for a walk up the heather" (135)?

2. On page 195, how does Eli characterize his marriage to Maryanne?

3. At the AA meeting, what does the man say he was doing when he lost his fingers?

4. Why does Siobhán dismiss the rule of anonymity at the meeting?

5. Whom does the "Diamonds" narrator describe as "sick-of-their-own-shit degenerates" (171)?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Arm runs into Fannigan on his walk on the night that Brandon's band plays at Quillinan's, what does Arm do to Fannigan?

2. What does Paudi do to Dympna, and what is Arm's reaction?

3. What evidence is there that the narrator in "Diamonds" is determined to overcome his alcohol abuse?

4. What is Hector and Paudi's response to the situation with Fannigan?

5. What made Eli and Maryanne's marriage a disaster?

6. Who is Siobhán Maher, and how does she recognize the narrator of "Diamonds"?

7. What does the barman discover has been left behind after Doran and Eli leave, and what does he do with it?

8. Whom does the barman tell Doran he reminds him of?

9. What is Rebecca's opinion of Arm after their conversation at Quillinan's?

10. What is the narrator's current job, and why, in "Diamonds"?

(see the answer keys)

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