The Yearling Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Yearling Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With his father laid up in bed, how does Jody pass the month of February?
(a) Reading books in his bedroom.
(b) Playing skip-rope with the neighbors.
(c) Working hard around the farm.
(d) Hunting in the woods.

2. When the storm arrives, how many days does it last?
(a) Five days.
(b) Two days.
(c) Three days.
(d) Seven days.

3. During what month of the year does Penny begin all his planting for the upcoming harvest?
(a) June.
(b) January.
(c) March.
(d) September.

4. Where is Jody meant to get the supplies for the fence around the corn crop?
(a) From the Forrester's yard.
(b) From Mr. Boyle's general store.
(c) From the scrub.
(d) From Grandma Hutto's home.

5. What scarce food source does Flag begin to steal and eat from the family?
(a) The sugar cane.
(b) The sweet potatoes.
(c) The corn.
(d) The beets.

6. What animal do the Baxter and Forrester men trap and plan to sell on the coast for a hefty profit?
(a) Albino raccoons.
(b) Ten-point bucks.
(c) Bear cubs.
(d) Flying squirrels.

7. Where does Penny believe the plague was spread?
(a) In the air.
(b) Through their watering hole.
(c) In the swamp.
(d) Through the polluted soil.

8. What does Jody whittle for his father's Christmas gift?
(a) A pipe.
(b) A bowl.
(c) A knife.
(d) A figurine.

9. What does Jody make from the bright red Cherokee beans that he finds in the woods?
(a) A necklace for his mother.
(b) A bean-soup for his family.
(c) A collar for Flag.
(d) A rattling musical instrument.

10. What is the name of the area where the Baxter men find the bears hunting salt water mullet?
(a) Mullet Prairie.
(b) Bear Heaven.
(c) Salt Water Paradise.
(d) The Fishing Hole.

11. What name does Ma use to refer to Twink?
(a) Chippendale.
(b) ChaCha.
(c) Chambawamba.
(d) Chiquita.

12. While searching the woods, what animal do the men discover has migrated north?
(a) The bears.
(b) The squirrels.
(c) The panthers.
(d) The deer.

13. Who is the only member of the Baxter family to kill one of the invading wolves?
(a) Old Julia.
(b) Flag.
(c) Jody.
(d) Ma Baxter.

14. After Flag breaks into the crops again, what does Penny ask Jody to do with the yearling?
(a) Hide him from Ma.
(b) Shoot him.
(c) Sell him.
(d) Release him into the wild.

15. Which of the following characters does NOT enter the woods to search for damages from the storm?
(a) Buck Forrester.
(b) Penny Baxter.
(c) Mill Wheel Forrester.
(d) Lem Forrester.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Old Julia follow the yearling tracks that Penny finds in the woods?

2. Where does Jody hope to sell Flag to keep him away from his father's gun?

3. How does Jody know that Flag has been eating the family's corn crop?

4. After Penny injures himself uprooting the tree stump, why won't he call for Doc Wilson?

5. As the family makes their way back home after the Christmas celebrations, what emotion best describes the way that Jody feels upon seeing his home again?

(see the answer keys)

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