Xenocide Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Xenocide Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Lusitania Fleet.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. If the Upper Caste don't live up to expectations, what happens to them?
(a) They are punished with penances
(b) They are tortured
(c) They are burned alive
(d) They are relieved of their status

2. How does she become aware that the gods are speaking to her?
(a) That she is sleep walking
(b) That they announce her as chosen
(c) That her hands are never clean enough
(d) That her ears are constantly ringing

3. Why does Qing-jao want to die during testing?
(a) She is told that her mother never loved her
(b) She is told she can never again see her father
(c) She has a vision that she will die alone and without family
(d) She believes the gods have deemed her too unclean to live

4. What satisfies Valentine most about writing?
(a) That she can write for many hours without fatigue
(b) That she is an amazing poet
(c) That she is able to put Peter behind her and make him everything she wants
(d) That she is able to draw people in and make them see through her eyes

5. How do the bearers feel about bearing the Godspoken?
(a) It is their honor
(b) They love to do it
(c) They resent it
(d) They put up with it

Short Answer Questions

1. To what can the Godspoken experience be compared?

2. Who is Valentine looking for when she finds Miro crying?

3. What is Valentine Wiggins' pseudonym?

4. What talent has Qing-jao been working on that she modeled after her father?

5. What does Peter accomplish back on Earth?

(see the answer key)

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