Women Who Run with the Wolves Test | Final Test - Easy

Clarissa Pinkola Estés
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Women Who Run with the Wolves Test | Final Test - Easy

Clarissa Pinkola Estés
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the woman end up looking for the souls of her children, as directed by the saint?
(a) River.
(b) Forest.
(c) Mountains.
(d) Church.

2. The author explores the behavior of ____________ and shows the readers a variety of its functions.
(a) Therapy.
(b) Shadowing.
(c) Love.
(d) Families.

3. What does the man go off to the native country in order to do, leaving the woman alone in their former home?
(a) Write a book.
(b) Marry another woman.
(c) Live with his parents.
(d) Start a business.

4. In one version of the story, the woman attacks the man, hurting him emotionally to conform to the _____________.
(a) Marriage.
(b) Government policies.
(c) Social order.
(d) Legalities of common law marriages.

5. Estes shares a story about a woman whose husband committed suicide and ____________ began to treat the woman badly.
(a) His family.
(b) Her family.
(c) Their daughter.
(d) Their son.

6. The ________, or some other symptom, will appear soon or later, sending the woman a message that she needs to return home.
(a) Prayer.
(b) God.
(c) Skin.
(d) Light.

7. The idea is that shame and secrets, like ____________, will burn up on contact with the light of day.
(a) Clouds.
(b) Witches.
(c) Dreams.
(d) Vampires.

8. When the man came back from his journey away from home, he returned with a number of ____________ problems.
(a) Financial.
(b) Spiritual.
(c) Emotional.
(d) Family.

9. The power of Demeter's ___________ released her from the depression that had started to take over.
(a) Smile.
(b) Flying.
(c) Laughter.
(d) Dancing.

10. Baubo is a grown woman's ________ as visualized in the context of the story in this chapter.
(a) Leg.
(b) Arm.
(c) Torso.
(d) Head.

11. What was the biggest change in the man after he came back? He began to ____________ his wife.
(a) Listen to.
(b) Hit.
(c) Frighten.
(d) Hide from.

12. Many people have subconsciously wondered if they were going to be __________ when a person sneaks up on them.
(a) Harmed.
(b) Surprised.
(c) Tickled.
(d) Perceptive.

13. What does La Lllorona mean when it is roughly translated into English?
(a) Skeleton Woman.
(b) Dying Woman.
(c) Weeping Woman.
(d) Deep Woman.

14. Estes introduces the idea of projective _________________, a psychotherapy term about the receptiveness of a patient to stories.
(a) Subjectivity.
(b) Identification.
(c) Objectivity.
(d) Interpretation.

15. The main story in this section is about a man who is ______________ and then he finds a woman.
(a) A soldier.
(b) A demon.
(c) Lonely.
(d) Shopping at the market.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one of the words which could be used to describe Baubo, as she is portrayed in this story?

2. In this chapter, Estes talks about ____________ and how they can affect peoples' lives in general.

3. The arrangement that the man and the woman make after she finds her skin reflect a/an ____________ assessment of the situation.

4. For women, many painfully kept secrets seem to include some sort of ____________, often someone did something that has a lot of shame linked to it.

5. Estes assures readers that freeing themselves from keeping the wrong sorts of secrets will offer great ___________.

(see the answer keys)

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