Woman Hollering Creek Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Woman Hollering Creek Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character takes over the narration in the third section of “Woman Hollering Creek”?
(a) Cleofilas
(b) Dolores
(c) Felice
(d) Graciela

2. At what time does Graciela’s friend agree to meet Cleofilas to take her to the bus station?
(a) 10:30 a.m.
(b) 1:30 p.m.
(c) 12:00 p.m.
(d) 7:30 a.m.

3. What does the narrator say Cleofilas had always said she would do “if a man, any man, were to strike her”?
(a) Run away
(b) Use pepper spray
(c) Call the police
(d) Strike back

4. How does Cleofilas feel about the name of Woman Hollering Creek?
(a) Offended
(b) Uninterested
(c) Terrified
(d) Fascinated

5. Who does the truck belong to that Felice picks Cleofilas up in?
(a) Maria
(b) Soledad
(c) Graciela
(d) Felice

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one of the central themes in “Woman Hollering Creek”?

2. Graciela tells her friend on the telephone that Cleofilas has what all over her body?

3. Cleofilas thinks as she laments her unhappy marriage, “Everything happened to women with names like” what?

4. In Seguin, Cleofilas feels that “the towns here are built so that you have to depend on” what?

5. What is the name of the wealthy son that the heroine of Maria de Nadie falls in love with?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the turning point for Cleofilas and her perceptions of identity in the story?

2. How does the narrator describe the setting where Cleofilas and Juan Pedro live after marrying?

3. What symbolic elements in the story represent the borders that alienate Cleofilas?

4. How does Cleofilas go about convincing Juan Pedro to take her to the doctor? What promises does she make?

5. In what ways does the story “Woman Hollering Creek” reflect the life of author Sandra Cisneros?

6. How does Graciela describe Cleofilas and her condition to Felice? What does she ask Felice to do?

7. What arrangements do Graciela and Felice make over the phone in the story? What urgency is illustrated in their plan?

8. What happens when Cleofilas meets Felice in “Woman Hollering Creek”?

9. What is demonstrated through the author’s use of foreshadowing in “Woman Hollering Creek”?

10. Where does Cleofilas go to watch telenovelas in Seguin? What plotline is described from the show she most enjoys?

(see the answer keys)

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