Will in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephen Greenblatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Will in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephen Greenblatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Will live near the end of his life?
(a) London
(b) Stratford
(c) Lancashire
(d) Birmingham

2. What name was given to Will’s troupe during the reign of King James?
(a) The King's Men
(b) The Earl's Pride
(c) The Queen's Men
(d) The Court's Men

3. What happened to the Earl of Essex?
(a) He was pardoned
(b) He was deported
(c) He was imprisoned for life
(d) He was executed

4. What is the basic plot of Will’s play Richard II?
(a) A cowardly monarch flees the country
(b) A feeble monarch is deposed
(c) A powerful monarch gets sick
(d) A strong monarch is overthrown

5. Which best describes the theme of Venus and Adonis?
(a) A political intrigue
(b) A treatise on parenting
(c) A tangle of romantic expression
(d) A spiritual quest

6. In Chapter 8, the author states that the theaters in London were closed. Why was this the case?
(a) Because of political unrest
(b) Because of financial woes
(c) Because of church sanctions
(d) Because of the plague

7. What phrase best describes the Earl of Southampton?
(a) Religious
(b) In poor health
(c) Focused on traveling
(d) Self-indulgent

8. What was a result of the production of Hamlet?
(a) Will’s position as a preeminent playwright was assured
(b) Will was invited to go to France to write plays
(c) Will was made a knight by the queen
(d) Will’s position as a playwright in London was destroyed

9. What was the main purpose for Will writing Venus and Adonis?
(a) To get out of jail
(b) To gain favor
(c) To make a political statement
(d) To make a religious statement

10. In what year did Will die?
(a) 1610
(b) 1616
(c) 1580
(d) 1620

11. Who took Robert Greene in so that he did not have to die on the streets of London?
(a) An actor
(b) A queen
(c) A shoemaker
(d) Another playwright

12. What was Will’s future patron determined NOT to do?
(a) Become ill
(b) Marry
(c) Become injured while riding horses
(d) Divorce

13. Which of these was a prominent playwright within the theater community of Will’s day?
(a) Richard Field
(b) Sir Thomas Lucy
(c) Edmund Campion
(d) Christopher Marlowe

14. Which play does NOT demonstrate a focus on the father-daughter relationship?
(a) Twelfth Night
(b) King Lear
(c) The Tempest
(d) Pericles

15. Which popular poet of the day attempted to defend Will and his work?
(a) Richard Field
(b) Christopher Marlowe
(c) Sir Thomas Lucy
(d) Thomas Nashe

Short Answer Questions

1. What is thought to have been the motivation behind Will’s bequeathment of his second-best bed to his wife?

2. In Chapter 9, who was the reigning monarch of England?

3. Describe Queen Elizabeth’s reaction to Richard II.

4. Which member of the important group of playwrights in London was particularly opposed to Will’s success?

5. Which person associated with Queen Elizabeth was executed on accusations of heresy and treason?

(see the answer keys)

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